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United States Armed Forces

We are a powerful faction in the region and have proven from time to time that no foreign adversary can match the pure might and fire power that we are capable of bringing to the table. Here in the United States Armed Forces you are expected to fulfill the orders of the Commander in Chief and follow our 3 core values set in place by our founding fathers. Honor, duty, and respect.

Russian Armed Forces

The Russian Armed Forces gained a foothold in the region by annexing the provinces of Narva, Nazbar and the Rybinsky Republic. Russia has control over these regions and has set up military installations there to operate out of. Now, the Russian Government is making plans to push south towards the disputed regions and assert control over the Anti-Russian Terrorist groups within those regions.

British Armed Forces

The UK had never previously been deployed at full scale into the region, as forces were directed into conflicts around the globe. However, with increased strain on the US Armed Forces from a growing Russian and RFA presence; the US has placed pressure onto the UK to deploy into the Region in a joint effort to push back quasi-terrorist forces and to diminish Russian influence. The British Operations in this region will be centred around the main base Camp Qubar setup by the MOD and Civilian contractors. Where Forces will dominate the land surrounding and coordinate with Americans to fight.

Ramadi Free Army

The Kingdom of Ramadi is the official recognised state of the Ramadi Province. His Royal Highness, King Akmed is ruler of the land and is commander in chief of the RFA. The Late Prince, Crown Prince Ross Bin Akmed, was heir to the Crown and was the King’s second in command - before his unfortunate death. The rule of Islam is absolute and the King’s word is final..